Step up against corona!
Unfortunately, due to measures to slow the spread of coronavirus, the annual walking events cannot take place in 2020. But if you enjoy walking and want to rid the world of corona, this initiative is for you! Launch your own walking fundraiser, ask your family, friends, neighbours and/or colleagues to sponsor you and start walking!
Step up to corona!
Care professionals, scientists and researchers from Radboud University and Radboud university medical center are working together on urgent projects to combat the virus. In order to bring these projects to fruition, the Radboud Fund has started a crowdfunding campaign. Wandel corona de wereld uit! (‘Step up against corona!’) is a special organised walking initiative in which all participants in the Netherlands are asked to individually walk 20.20 km – or a multiple thereof – and in this way take action on our behalf.
How does it work?
Click on ‘Start fundraising’ and go through the steps; state how many kilometres you intend to walk, a minimum of 20.20 km or a multiple thereof, how much money you want to raise and why you think this walk is important. A photo will make your action page even more inviting and personal. Then share your personal action page with as many friends and acquaintances as possible and ask them to sponsor you.
Who can participate and under what conditions?
Anyone can join in! Young or old, big or small; on clogs, barefoot or in flip-flops. As long as you can prove that you have walked at least 20.20 km. Send us the proof by email to A screenshot of your tracker as well as a picture of yourself in action is enough. If you let us know in advance when you will be walking and what special reason is motivating you, you may have a chance to be followed by the Radboud Fonds vlog team who will be happy to meet you on the way.
Walk at least 20.20 km, but do it safely
Maybe you have been training year round for The Nijmegen Marches (De Nijmeegse Vierdaagse), The Spring Walk (De Lentewandeling) or The Blossom Walk (De Bloesemtocht) and were planning to walk with a group. That is no longer possible! But walking is healthy, so why postpone your physical performance? It is still possible and can be done safely. Not in groups, but individually. In your own neighbourhood, at your own pace.
Collectors shirt and medal
We love your commitment and would like to thank you for it:
- If you manage to recruit 20 donors for your walking fundraiser, you will receive the one and only #wandelcoronadewerelduit shirt!
- Did you reach your target distance? Send us the evidence and you will receive a limited-edition medal.
We can stop the coronavirus together!
Your contribution will be spent on scientific research into the coronavirus at Radboud university medical center. Because to defeat your enemy, you must know your enemy. All the ins and outs. Because the tiniest detail or vulnerability can make all the difference. That is the mindset our researchers looking at COVID-19 have. They are working hard to map the virus’ genome, in order to develop better protection and medication with that critical knowledge. And that has already led to positive results. Read more about this on Stop the coronavirus!
Radboud University and Radboud university medical center have entrusted their fundraising to the Radboud Fund. The Radboud Fund offers individuals, organisations and companies the opportunity to contribute and be involved in projects in the field of research, education and patient care.
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De 'Wandel corona de wereld uit!'-kaart
25-06-2020 | 15:17 Er zijn al meer dan 100 wandel-acties gestart! Op deze kaart kun je zien op welke plekken in Nederland er gewandeld wordt. Zie je jezelf niet op de kaart staan en wil je dit wel? Stuur dan een mailtje met je naam en startpunt naar Dan zorgen wij dat jouw startpunt ook op de kaart komt.Top fundraisers
1 €5,455
Roos van Sambeek
Elke stap telt -
2 €4,148
Intersport Megastore Four Seasons
Intersport Biggelaar en Four Seasons wandelen corona de wereld uit! -
3 €2,350
Frits van der Sloot
Doneer, uiteindelijk worden we er allemaal beter van! -
4 €2,206
Anne van Opijnen
“Fighting Covid19 is not a sprint... it is a marathon” -
5 €2,025
Meta van der Woude
Wandelen tegen Corona